Bumble Bee Cat Costume

Project:  Portrait Photography, Cat Costume
Client: DoggHouse Productions
Location: Oakland, CA
Tools:  Photography, Nikon DSLR, Lighting, Cat Costume
Backstory: Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to introduce to you, my adorable feline friend, Mr. Larry Bellagio! This handsome beast kills it as a bumble bee. Who knows where the idea came from, but it’s a winner.

I purchased the bumble bee cat costume from a vendor in Hong Kong on ebay for $1.50. It took3-4 weeks for it to get here, but, like I said, it was $1.50. The cat was surprisingly pretty cooperative and open to the idea of humiliation in the name of ultimate cuteness. He solidified his right to share my apartment and definitely earned his meals for at least a month after this stunt. Photography taken with Nikon D90, 50mm and 10.5mm fisheye. You can check out more photos on my flickr set. Enjoy the results.

What does a banana slug look like?

Executed with excellence by DoggHouse Productions. That’s how the pro’s do it!