Graphic Design by DHP

Project: Graphic Design, Cap’n P Funk
Client: DoggHouse Productions, Mixed Media Use
Location: Oakland, CA
Tools: Photoshop, Flash
Backstory: This is an illustration of my dad. I made it based off of the photo of me & him from a couple years ago. Apparently it’s a rare occasion to see him smile, so the project was extra affective. I went back and forth with critiques from friends and especially other family members trying to nail this. The idea was to illustrate him in a timeless minimalist and simple fashion, but doing the subject absolute justice at the same time. His signature Serengeti aviator sunglasses and beard were a lot of fun to draw up.

I’m looking to have the image printed onto a flag. Maybe he’ll hang it on the porch of his beach house. That’d be pretty sweet.

Graphic illustration daydreamed and designed by DoggHouse Productions.